Processing Your Emotions with God

Processing Your Emotions with God

So often, we can get caught up in the need to process our emotions alone and/or mask them. Our society has conditioned us to keep moving and brushing the pain under the rug, yet our emotional shortages are a sign that we need support at a deeper level, and often times needs to be addressed from a spiritual level as well as a therapeutic level

The Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make it request known unto the Father (Philippians 4:6). The Bible is explicit about expressing your concerns and needs unto the father in a moment of worry and/or concern.

The Bible further tells us to further cast our cares upon the Lord, because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). He then further tells us when weary to come to Him, because he wants to give us rest (Matthew 11:28).

Choosing to mask your emotions out of fear and appearing weak or the need to be strong alone is calling God a liar.

With every concern that I’ve had, God is just as concerned and wants us to share with him openly and authentically our hardships so that he can fulfill his promises.

In every moment of humility, where I cried out; He indeed comforted me and provided for me.

So, if you are concerned or worried about anything today, I encourage you to cast your cares upon the Lord because he cares for you.

Make a request known unto the Father and He will do just what he said He would do! Rather that is to give you peace in the middle of a battle and/or provision to a need or both!


God is able!


Blessings and Happy Freedom Friday!!!


Candice Phillips, M.S, BCMHC

Mindset + Mental Health Maven

Advocate for Healing, Growth, and Transformation

If you are in need of support and ready to take a faith-based approach on your healing journey, submit an inquiry and book a complimentary consultation call today!

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